Storm Water Management
Does your new construction or existing propety need Stormwater Management?
Manage and mitigate the impacts of rainfall and runoff with our expert storm water management services. At M&M Landscaping, we specialize in creating sustainable, efficient solutions that protect your property and the environment. From underground drainage systems to beautifully integrated rain gardens, we ensure proper water absorption and diversion that compliments your landscape’s natural features.
Stormwater begins as weather, rain, snow and snowmelt. But due to conventional development patterns and engineering practices, stormwater cannot soak into the ground naturally instead it flows into a man-made system where it eventually is released as surface water. Stormwater is an important issue because it can carry pollutants, cause significant erosion and contribute to flood events. As fresh water sources become even more burdened, the collection of stormwater could become a crucial future resource.

Engineers and planners have developed several Best Management Practices (BMPs) concerning stormwater management. They include retention ponds, rain gardens, rain barrels, pervious pavement, and infiltration systems. Most municipal regulations require the use of stormwater management BMPs in their Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances. This encourages smart development that focuses on the amount of runoff caused by new development.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed programs to help states and municipalities enforce stormwater management policies. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits are issued nationwide to help monitor the number of point source pollution systems. Additionally, small and large municipal separate sewer systems (MS4) require permits. Municipalities that fall under these regulations will need to acquire new permits in 2012.
- Custom drainage solutions
- Rainwater harvesting systems
- Permeable paving solutions
Control Water Effectively
Contact us today to safeguard your property against water damage.